It has been a while since I posted, but I have made some progress on my blocks .
I also have been on vacation. DH and I went to Ashland, Oregon and took in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. We saw "Othello", "The Comedy of Errors", "Our Town", "The Further Adventures of Hedda GAbler", "Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner", and "The View from the Bridge". All were up to the excellent OSF standards. Also went to the Oregon Stage Works, where we sat in back of the actor who played Othello, and very well I might add. This was the first time I had the opportunity to see Othello, and was duly impressed. Dan Donohue played Iago, excellently. My DD and I are both fans .
We hurried home so that we could see our DD playing Isabella in a new work, "The Dentist". She was the woman every man wanted, or almost. This was a staged reading, different, they acted, but the scene was described and they had the scripts to read, although often it was just a glance to refresh their memory.