Friday, August 15, 2008

August SBS blocks plus one

There were two blocks for August instead of a block per week, both to do with Friendship. I decided to to Grace's Friendship (G-6) block first, expecting it to take longer than the other one (K-2 Friendship Quilt). It did. I used the back basting method which works great when you have lots of tiny things to line up. After basting I marked just into the seam line so I could see where I needed to turn. I might take off the light green tree top and make it lighter, but right now it is done. I don't have a lighter green in my pile of fabrics that I am using, so will need to audition some from my stash before moving forward with that plan. Meanwhile I will make a few more blocks from the BOW list that were done before I started. Up to 46 blocks done now!

Picked up the farm share today, a family share. I think I will have to try and get a small share next season, lots of food. I gave some of the lettuce to the guy who is working on my bathroom. We had taco salad for dinner, which used up the last of last week's lettuce, plus a bit from today. We got Arugula, Broccolini, Cilantro, Green beans, Kale (Red Russian), Lettuce, Peppers (sweet), Potatoes, Radishes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Strawberries, and Golden raspberries. I am still trying to find Arugula and Kale recipes that we like, although DD says I made something with Kale before that she loved. Need to figure out what that was!

Staying up way too late watching Olympics!

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