Saturday, March 21, 2009

Binding Dear Jane

OK, the red tinge is still there. I thought I would bind first and then wash again, because I will need to wash anyway after binding. I did find color catchers. I just might dry in the dryer on low to try and dry faster with no bleeding. I looked at the pictures I took right after I laid it on the towels, and no bleeding at that point. So, we will see.
Meanwhile I have been watching Sharon Schamber's curved binding youtube videos. I am only up to part 3 of 5. I keep re-watching segments to make sure I get it right, and am now stitching on the binding. Very slowly... Hopefully I will be done before I go to my sock class this afternoon. I probably should have cut the binding strips a bit bigger, but too late now. These will work and I will have a nice, narrow binding when done.

1 comment:

Crispy said...

Woo Hoo on actually binding your Dear Jane!!

I was getting recommendations on my blog about taking out the red runs on my Baltimore and one lady did mention that it was good that I hadn't put it in the dryer. Maybe the catchers don't work if the color gets set in with heat.

Good luck on getting the red out,
