Sunday, May 24, 2009

SBS May Challenge

The SBS offline group challenge was to make five blocks from the following list:
A-6 Tennessee
B-8 Mrs. Cleveland's Choice
C-4 Sister's Choice
D-7 Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
E-2 Corn and Beans
E-5 Handy Andy
F-4 Old Maid's Puzzle
G-10 Arizona
H-5 Shooting Star
N-9 Broken Dishes
I had already done several of these, but have now done them all. G-10 was in my last post. I just finished
A-6 Tennessee
H-5 Sylvia's shooting Star (redrafted to be like version in Return to Elm Creek)
and finally, N-9 Broken Dishes.


Crispy said...

Your blocks are wonderful. I just HAVE to get the SBS book!! In what way was the shooting star block changed, since I don't have the book?


ConnieB/CA said...

The star in the corner was a saw tooth star in the pattern, I changed it to a LeMoyne type star. Fewer seams coming together was my primary motive (in that corner where the 'tail' comes out of the star).